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Always Trust In Books: Update On My Absence And Return

Hello everyone! I have been away for quite a while with absolutely no update or explanation as to why and I felt now is the time to get back into the fold.

2020 has been an absolutely terrifying year for us here in the Always Trust In Books household as my wife has spent all of it in hospital. After a routine surgery my wife contracted a serious infection (necrotising fasciitis to be specific) and it very nearly bested her. My wife, being the incredibly strong woman I know her to be, has since made a long and gruelling recovery and is now home and mostly out of the woods.

I have been under a lot of pressure these last few months and it left me unable to even contemplate picking up a book. I was 80% of the way through Beast by Matt Wesolowski when everything went down (an amazing book, a must read!) and I haven’t read a page since. I apologise to all the authors, publicists and everyone who I had arrangements with for this set back.

I sincerely intend on returning to blogging very soon. I have a huge pile of books to get through and I just need to get to a place where I can get through them with excitement and intrigue instead of stress-related fatigue and dread. I really appreciate every single person who has supported this blog so far and I hope I can get back into full swing and start talking books non-stop again when I feel ready.

Thanks for stopping by to read this update and please recommend me a book to draw me back into reading sooner rather than later!

47 thoughts on “Always Trust In Books: Update On My Absence And Return

      1. I’ve been there. My wife went in for surgery a few years back. The surgeon was sloppy and left an internal leak that nearly killed her. She was hospitalized for months, and so delirious she doesn’t remember much.

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  1. Goodness, what an awful time for you all. It’s no surprise that reading and blogging has taken a back seat, and will still for a while until there is a much greater improvement in your wife’s health. Thinking of you all and we’ll all still be here for you when you’re up and running again.

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  2. So sorry to see your update Stuart, what a scary time for you all. Sending your wife every best wish for her continuing improvement and best wishes to you too. Your blog can wait until you are a better place. Take care, Karen x

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  3. Wow! Yes, a rough start indeed! I will pray for your wife’s continued healing. My hubby started 2020 in the hospital as well. He had a pulmonary embolism. I completely understand you. It’s hard to think about anything else, let alone reading. It’s like you go into survival mode. One day at a time. Staying as upbeat as you can for the one you love. Hopefully 2020 will start to become a much better year for you two here on out.

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  4. I’m so sorry to hear what a dreadful time your wife–and you–have been having and I hope she’ll be much better very soon.

    If you’d like some really entertaining diversion, I highly recommend the Jane Austen’s Dragons series by Maria Grace and it’s even better if you can do audiobooks 🙂📚

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  5. Oh, doll! My heart is thumping in my chest for you, I’m so sorry to hear!! You are both so brave, and good on you for battling these demons. We’ll all be here whenever you’re ready to return to us, take all the time that you need – sending all my best, healing vibes your way! ❤️

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